Meet Andromache

Andromache Germeni, at 31 years old, stands as a shining example of passion, creativity, and dedication in the world of event planning. As the founder of Ensoul Events, she embodies the essence of a silent force, known for her organizational prowess, multitasking abilities, and unwavering calmness in the face of challenges.

Her journey into the world of events began with a noble aspiration - a desire to make a positive impact on people's lives as a Social Worker. Driven by her love for offering assistance and creating memorable experiences, she soon discovered her affinity for the art of event planning. While pursuing her studies at the university, Andromache took on the role of an Assistant Event Planner, where her free spirit and attraction to art and creativity found a perfect outlet through textures, colors, flowers, fashion, and their harmonious combinations.

After her initial graduation, Andromache's quest for knowledge and experience led her to acquire a second diploma as an Event Planner and Designer in Athens. Eager to broaden her horizons, she embarked on a journey to the enchanting island of Santorini, where she assumed the roles of Head Event Planner and Venue Assistant Manager in some of Greece's most renowned wedding industry companies.

It was during this time that the seeds of Ensoul Events were sown. Andromache envisioned a platform to inspire, design, and plan events to the fullest extent of her creative capabilities. With a passion for her craft that transcends the ordinary, Ensoul Events was born – a testament to her unwavering dedication to turning dreams into reality.


Andromache's philosophy echoes through her journey – it's easy to find a job that brings happiness, but it's a rare and exceptional journey to discover a vocation that one is truly destined for. In creating Ensoul Events, Andromache Germeni has not only found her calling but has also crafted a legacy of turning ordinary moments into extraordinary memories.